Frequently Asked Questions

Unfortunately, the true test to find out whether you can or cannot get pregnant is to actually try.
Sometimes it takes longer than 2-3 months for pregnancy to occur. Infertility is defined as not getting pregnant after one year of regular unprotected sex.
Yes we do. A preliminary examination is done on the gentlemen, but a sperm test is required.
Yes your partner must attend the consultation and you must also take the results of any tests that either of the two of you have done in the past for review.
Reverse Tubal ligation is possible. However, the patient must be assessed by the doctor to see if it can be done.
Based on your age and risk factors your doctor will recommend how often it is to be done. Most women will have their pap smear exams repeated once every 3 years.
The HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) can cause change in the cervix. HPV is NOT the same as HIV. HPV is not a new virus. Most men and women who have ever had sex have had HPV at some time in their lives.
There are 3 vaccines given in a 6 month period. When the patient is ready he/she takes the first vaccine/injection. After the 1st injection the patient is given the 2nd vaccine exactly 4 weeks later followed by the 3rd and final vaccine 5 months later.