There are many stories of infertility in the scripture, Hannah and Sarah are examples. This is something that many couples are struggling with, in the deep abyss of their own fear of never having their own child. After numerous visits to different fertility doctors, and having done different tests, it turns out that I was ok but my husband had a very low sperm count. The medications did not seem to be working. So we started to consider artificial insemination as our last resort of having our own child. It was on the 8th of July 2020, I got up that morning and I prayed.
I told the Lord He had to come through for us. A few moments later I went on the internet and came across Dr Gillian Chisholm. I gave the number a call, and spoke with the receptionist who was very warm and helpful. We decided to see Dr. Gillian that same day. The atmosphere in the office was amazing. She asked many questions and then called the lab for my husband last sperm test. She read through it and then gave him some medication. He started taking it that same day, July 8th. I have never been to a doctor before that believed and spoke of the Lord and I knew we were at the right place.
On the 2nd of December I went to visit because I missed my period. It turned out I was six weeks and 2 days pregnant. So I will be giving birth July 2021. What a blessing! So if you are out there, trying to get pregnant, and reading this, Dr. Gillian Chisholm is the only Doctor you need to see.